These things I have spoken to you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you will have tribulations, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lawrence Welk in our House!

Yes, it's true....While I should've been on the treadmill tonight,(because I didn't get to it this morning) Dillon, Mallory and I were watching The Lawrence Welk show. Don't laugh at me, I absolutely love to watch this show! I have known no other person that shared that interest with me, until now. When I was growing up, I spent a lot of time at my grandparent's home in Leaf, MS. Every weekend, we would all sit in the living room and watch Lawrence Welk with them. Sometimes I really didn't like it, but my grandparents loved reminiscing about the good ole' days. I guess that's why I like it, it takes me back to the good times at my granparents house. What wonderful memories I have being with them. Dillon and Mallory enjoyed it tonight as much as I did. I went to turn the tv off and Dillon told me to wait, he wanted to watch the rest of that "good" show, so I obliged and sat down with them to enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. Ashley,

    I am old enough to have watched the Lawrence Welk show every Saturday night as a kid growing up. My mom loved that show so it was a must. I can remember well our Saturday night ritual. We always were required to do 4 things EVERY Saturday night.

    1. take our weekly bath
    2. polish our Sunday shoes for church
    3. read our Sunday School lesson
    4. watch Lawrence Welk

    My favorite from Lawrence Welk was always Jo Ann Castle who played great honkey tonk rag time piano. She was always so bouncy!

    Love... Dad & Debbie


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