These things I have spoken to you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you will have tribulations, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fillin' her brother's shoes

Dillon spent the night away last night with his Paw Paw to go fishing. Mallory ended up having to hang out with us today on our "work day" on the farm. (by the way, if you are interested in what we do on our farm....check out our blog here or our website here.) Back to Mallory....she absolutely does not like to wear shoes. I mean not at all!!! Today she decided she wanted to wear a pair of Dillon's boots that no longer fit him. Of course I encouraged her to put them on, just thanking the Lord she decided to put something on those feet without a fight. She enjoyed wearing them for a little while.

Now isn't this just a fashion statement?

She also had to get a little lovin on our goats' guardian dog, Kimba. I think he is such a beautiful dog. Not to mention, I'm so glad to have him around to protect our goats from predators. It's amazing how gentle his is with our family, but how he can be such a "guard dog" when something strange gets out in the pasture. My nephew Noah came over when Paw Paw brought Dillon home. He and Mallory enjoyed a ride on Sally. It has been awhile since we've been able to ride the horses because of the horseflies and the heat. It was a pleasant way to end our afternoon after a hard day's work!

I also wanted to update on the horse Shane bought for me. If you remember he was so starved down when we got him (go here for that story). It has taken all summer for him to get some weight put back on him. I just might be able to ride him soon. I wasn't able to get a picture of the others but they are looking good too. It is such a shame they were in such bad shape, but I am glad they are doing better. Here is an updated picture of Big Red.

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