My youngest is now registered and ready for the big Kindergarten. She has been really excited about starting school. So excited, that when this past school year began, she wanted to go ahead and get her immunizations to be ready for the next school year. What child asks to go get their shots to get ready for school?
We had to go to the library to register instead of going to tour the classrooms. There was only one kindergarten teacher there for the registrations; Mallory wanted nothing to do with any of it. Funny how quickly she changed her mind about school being the most awesome place and not being able to contain her excitement. This day she stuck right beside me and acted as though the cat had her tongue. It's going to be a rough first day, I can just feel it. Tears all around.....Mallory tears and mom's tears. Shane has already suggested I stay home on that first day of school....he says it would probably be better for the both of us.....I am going to do my best to put on my " I'm-not-gonna-cry-cause-my-baby-is-going-to-kindergarten-and-she's-growing-up face. It didn't work so well with my first, Dillon. Lord, help me. I'm gonna need it!
Maybe by the end of summer you will be ready to see her off ;-) It's hard, but she is going to have so much fun! Remember: breathe in....breathe out...breathe in... breathe out, and repeat often!