Shane bought another horse last week. Her name is Dixie and she is also a Tennessee Walker like one of our other horses, Sonny. She is beautiful! She is quite spooked by everything around here: birds, rabbits, shadows. Maybe she'll get used to those things soon. Shane and Mallory took a quick ride yesterday afternoon.
Baseball season is here! Dillon's team has been practicing a lot to get ready for opening day. It looks like it is going to be another busy baseball year. Some of the other players have younger siblings, so it's a good thing for Mallory this year. She has all sorts of friends to play with during his game. She isn't too interested in sitting for too long to watch a game.
Spring not only brought us 70 kids (goats) but it also has been bringing us calves too. Mallory and I tagged along with Shane while he tagged the new calves ears. I get nervous everytime he does this. Those momma cows don't play around when you mess with their babies. They will let out a call to the whole herd, and you better watch out. You can get taken down pretty easy. Shane does it so calmly. I think I would fall out as soon as Mrs. Cow blows at me while shaking her head. Yep, I don't think this is a job I will ever do. Sorry honey, this is all you!
Stay calm, and all will be ok (fingers crossed) |
Hope everyone has a great day!