Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Getting rid of clutter
Living on the farm with all there is to look after, it seems like our house gets less and less attention. And of course, Dillon is the worst pack rat I have ever seen ( and he is passing along that problem to his sis ) The saying someone's trash is someone else's treasure, is literally true with Dillon. He will find such value in some of the craziest things. Of course I have let his collections of "garbage" go way too far. He doesn't even know the half of what is in his room. So today, while he is at grandma BB's for bible school, I am armed and ready to clean his room first! Then on to the rest of the house!!
It is such a refreshing feeling to look back and see a little more simplicity in the house when some of the clutter is removed. I am SOO ready for a refreshing feeling when I look around the house :)
Monday, June 28, 2010
We made it
while watching this..
Dillon and Mallory stayed around Gulf South Kikos farm display table most of the time because Mr. Jesse and Ms. Jane Beech had all sorts of goodies. I had a small cooler of drinks for them, but of course they didn't want what we had. Thank you to the Beech's for letting our kids raid your coolers! We will send them down to work on your farm to repay you....Just kidding!
I hope we will be able to take the kids on a trip that they will truly enjoy. I planned on taking them to Gulf Shores, AL; but it seems the oil spill has ruined chances of that...The news this morning said that our coast has had tar balls and tar patties washing ashore. So there goes the idea of taking them to play in the sand on our beaches. I'm beginning to wonder if they are ever going to get that leak stopped. Hopefully they will soon, but I think the recovery is going to take a long time.....
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Vacation Bible School
Thursday, June 17, 2010
What we've been up to
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The things you can do with pen and paper!!
Of course we knew he wouldn't be mowing someone's grass at 6 years old, but I asked him why was he charging such a cheap price. He matter of factly stated that he didn't want to "charge his customers too much!"
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I am trying my best to acquire a greenthumb!! I have tried on more than one occasion to grow, maintain, care for (whatever you'd like to call it) flowers and plants. I haven't been very successful to say the least, but this year, things are looking better. I didn't do a whole lot to our yard this year due to us hopefully moving before this year's end. Then, I will get creative with maybe planting a small garden, and have plenty of flowers to look at.... These are some photos of my purple petunias and forget me nots.
There is hardly anything I like better than to get up early in the morning ( I have to set my alarm clock :) and take my cup of coffee outside with me while I look around the place just before the sun comes up completely. It gets so hot and humid after 7am it's just ridiculous! But, it is so peaceful and amazing how God has blessed Shane and I with this farm,when I look around. Who knows what our future holds, but for now I am so thankful that he and I can share this journey!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Decisions, decisions, decisions....
Be praying for both Shane and I as we work together on this. It looks like we will be doing most of the work ourselves. Shane said that it will bond us even closer (I'm wondering how true this is ;) We do work well together but I have heard so many stories of couples trying to build homes together and it wasn't pretty. I know with God's help we will be able to do it, and we will look back it and marvel at what we've done. We seem to look back a lot to see how far God has brought us in our farming endeavor and it's quite amazing! So for now, it's many decisions to be made......
Saturday, June 5, 2010
A night out with my hubby
Friday, June 4, 2010
A cottonmouth? EEEEK!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Getting over fear of water
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Summer fun
I babysat my best friend's daughter the other day and Mallory had a great time playing with her! Of course, they had to play dress up in all of the princess costumes. I did their nails for them. Dillon watched cartoons while lounging on his couch. They also swam that day and got super tired. After PB&J sandwhiches they had a renewed energy!
Saturday Shane and I woke up at 5 am to go horseback riding. I finally rode Sonny all by myself. He did good. We rode down a dirt road to see what was down it, probably the best thing was the power line clear cuts (I guess that is what you would call it) and we also rode down fire lanes that the Forrestry Service has plowed. I think in all we rode for two hours. It was very enjoyable to get to spend some time with my husband. We don't get to spend a lot of time just the two of us very often.
Later that day, we went to a family reunion. It was for Shane's grandmother's side of the family, the McMahan's. It was very nice. It seems like we just get too busy these days to take a little time to sit around and visit. We stayed for several hours and really enjoyed ourselves. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins in the sand. They have already planned next year's reunion to be somewhere near Pascagoula. I am looking forward to what the rest of the summer has in store for us!