Here are my cuties in their Halloween costumes. We had such a crazy day that day, I'm just now getting around to put these photos up. The family reunion pictures did it for me.....with all of the resizing and everything. We ended up going trick-or-treating and had two of our nephews along with us. It was funny, because Kohen had not been trick or we had to teach him that he couldn't just take people's candy out of their basket.....and that we must say thank you after getting your candy.
Mallory was a peacock princess |
Mr. Luigi
if he only knew Mallory had sneaked up behind him in the picture...... |
Fireman Noah |
Evil Knievel |
Kohen probably had a stomach ache....He didn't care about getting anymore candy after about 4 stops. He wanted to go to work on it right away. This is the position we found him in constantly.
Something else I wanted to put in here to be recorded for memories.....
The other day we had to stop in the middle of the highway to pick up a little bunny that someone had hit. You know, us being the farm family and all, we can save any animal; or so that's what Dillon and Mallory think. So here I go picking up this little bunny to take home with us to see if we can nurse him back....and it was obvious he wasn't going to make it. He probably had some internal injuries. I told Shane that we needed to put him down, and Dillon happened to see Shane grab his gun and head out the back door. Dillon went to tears and asked Shane if he was going to kill his pet rabbit ( mind you, we haven't even had this rabbit a whole day). Shane took pity on Dillon and said that we would see if the rabbit could pull through. I then took it upon myself to try to explain that it wasn't something that we like to do, but that when we know an animal is going to die and is suffering, it is best to put them out of their suffering. All the while I'm telling Dillon this, Mallory is sitting there saying not one word. All of a sudden, she looks at me and asks with a terrified look in her face...." But mom, you're not going to kill us if we get sick are you?" You want to talk about shocking me speechless.... I of course then had to try to explain it even further so our sweet little 5 year old could understand. I hate that they have to know these things, but it is part of our lives here at our farm. We have many animals, and sometimes things happen that are way beyond our control. I just found it funny later on how serious Mallory was about it....She was truly worried. Bless her little heart!